Server and Application Monitoring Tools

Enterprises run multiple servers to deliver business critical services for their end users. Some of them including Database Server, Applicating Server, Caching Server, Web Server and more.

Server monitoring tools help you to identify and solve any application hosting and performance issues like CPU Usages, Memory consumption, I/O Bottleneck & Disk Usage, by tracking and monitoring server performance. Applications Manager's server monitor provides unmatched visibility and insight into the performance of various servers in your IT infrastructure.

Why is it important to Monitor Server performance?

  • To monitor server availability and data loss.
  • To monitor the responsiveness of the server.
  • To know the server capacity, user load and speed of the server.
  • To detect and prevent any issues that might affect the server proactively.

Real time Servers Monitoring tools provide details of:

  • Server's Uptime Monitoring
  • Server's Health Monitoring
  • Server's Log Monitoring
  • Hyper-V Monitoring
  • VMware Monitoring
  • Virtual Server Monitoring
  • ESX Host Monitoring
  • Citrix Xen Monitoring
  • vSphere Monitoring

Server and Application Monitoring Tools