File Security and Storage Analysis

Reporting and managing storage capacity and allocation on a variety of devices, including Windows File Server, Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Area Network (SAN).

Predefined & customizable reporting tools make it easy to perform capacity planning and pre-migration analysis and enforce storage policies.

As a result, organization can be proactive about storage requirements, increase IT productivity and spend limited Rupees more wisely.

File security and storage monitoring tools strengthen control over your unstructured data with a solution that provides insights and analytics to help locate and delete junk files, enabling effective storage planning.

These tools will help you by:

  • RTO Analysis: Reclaim storage capacity by locating and purging redundant, obsolete & trivial (ROT) date from your IT Ecosystem.
  • Disk Space Analysis: Track you disk usage pattern and consumption rate to generate instant alerts when free space falls below a preconfigured limit.
  • Permission Analysis: Analyze and report on user's effective access permission across all files and folders to prevent privilege abuse.
  • Data Risk Scanner: Identify and manage data most vulnerable to security threats and improve your organization's security posture.

These tools will report you:

  • File/Folder Access Auditing
  • File Change Monitoring
  • File integrity Monitoring
  • Permission analysis
  • Disk Usage analysis
  • Data Discovery
  • File Copy Monitoring
  • Compliance Auditing
File Security and Storage Analysis